
Nowadays one can rarely find a well balanced article, where even if you don't agree with it fully, there is still plenty of thought provoking observations that make you reflect on own ideas and mind models.

The examples from Apple and AirBnB also emphasise designer's skill to design processes within a corporation that end up producing such exciting outcomes. This "invisible" skills of "designing creative organisation" is an art form in itself.

And thank you for letting me now about Mobbin and Maze, never heard about this tools before. Though, I do agree that nowadays it indeed seems that product designers talk only about tools, i.e. Figma and design systems.



Roman Lihhavtsuk
Roman Lihhavtsuk

Written by Roman Lihhavtsuk

Writing about in-house product design and management for B2B web apps to keep my sanity. Currently a UX Manager in cybersecurity.

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